Compassion is one of the most wonderful mind-states that us humans can experience and express. At its heart is empathy, the ability to feel and appreciate another’s suffering, or potential for suffering. As humans, we are amazing, because if we choose to do so we can set out to develop an intent for limitless compassion. Yes, a lofty ideal, but we can choose to aim at this if we wish. Of course, life is complex. Sometimes, to avoid hurting one person, we end up hurting another. It’s impossible to figure out all the potential impacts of every action we do. But if the intent is there, this has to be a positive thing.
Thought experiment. Imagine a world where every human being has this intent! The majority of the worlds problems would be solved in an instant. We would still have our challenges but we would be, very much, facing them together and helping each other through them.
Karen Armstrong, author, scholar, and journalist, is among the world’s foremost commentators on religious history and culture. Back in 2009, she had this vision and thought experiment. She brought together spiritual leaders and drafted out a plan. It involved what they called The Charter for Compassion. Literally a Charter for people to sign.
In 2009 the charter was signed by the UN in New York and now has been spread out worldwide, in 30 different languages and signed by 2 million people. It’s organisation is now made up of people from many different areas of life – Arts, Business, Education, Environment, Healthcare, Peace and Non-violence, Religion/Spirituality/Interfaith, Restorative Justice, Science and Research, Social Justice, Social Service. It is interfaith, inter-racial and completely non-discriminatory.
Andy Spragg, from The Sangha House, is one of the UK representatives for the charter. Signing and being invited to help back in 2017. In 2019, he began an initiative to get Somerset West and Taunton to sign the charter. In 2024, Taunton Town Council voted to adopt the Charter

Vanessa Garside is the Mayor of Taunton. Vanessa has been instrumental in the signing of the charter. An avid supporter from day 1, With a deep interest in the compassionate development of our town, she sees the signing as one of the most important initiatives in the town this year

Andy spragg, director of The Sangha House, UK representative for The Charter For Compassion and Buddhist teacher. Andy has been working for 5 years to encourage the town to sign the charter and is now actively taking the charter down through the town and out further into Somerset.